Lava Yoga

Photo By: Kylie Coble

This week I decided to try something that I had been wanting to do, but would always forget about or be too busy.  This past Wednesday I finally went to the community lava yoga class. Lava Yoga is when they heat the room to around 95-100 degrees and add humidity while you do yoga. They have this class every Wednesday for $7 at 7 p.m. and it is an hour-long class.

I got to the class pretty early, mostly so I could find a spot in the way back, but when I got there the instructors took my mat for me and placed it right in the middle. I think they could tell that I had never been to yoga class, let alone lava yoga. They asked if I had wanted to be on the cooler side of the room so I, of course, said yes with no hesitation. In my defense though, I am really not sure that there is a cool side of that room, I honestly think they may of just told me that to make me feel better. 

Once I had finished putting all of my stuff away and taking off my shoes, I walked into the room and found that it was dark, quiet and extremely hot and humid. One of the more memorable parts of this adventure was walking into the room and seeing everyone just laying on their mats,  almost taking naps it seemed like. I thought that this was really kind of funny, but once I found my mat and laid down, I found it was actually relaxing. The class consisted of mostly basic and beginner yoga poses.

My favorite part of the whole class were the "shaza naps." We had three throughout the class, and during them, the instructor would open up the doors, letting the cool air in, and we just laid on our mats with our eyes closed. It was supposed to be relaxing, but I was so excited about the cool air coming in, I could hardly relax. The class ended with us taking our last "shaza nap," except for this time, our instructor came around with cold wash cloths that were infused with essential oils. That was definitely my favorite "shaza nap." 

I really enjoyed this adventure. I had a lot of fun, got a good workout in and gained an amazing experience. I may not go back every week, but I definitely plan on returning. I absolutely recommend everyone trying this at least once.


  1. This is so fascinating! I've done regular yoga classes but this definitely seems like something I want to try, if anything just to experience it! I always loved the nap portion of yoga. Especially when class started at 5:50 (uhhh, who does that?!)!
    Thanks for sharing your experience, I really enjoyed reading!

    1. Yeah, it is definitely worth trying at least once! The nap portion is definitely my favorite!! :)

  2. I think it's so cool that you went out of your zone and did something you've always wanted to do! I have never done yoga before, but it is something I would like to try. Can't wait to read more about your weekly adventures.

    1. Yeah, it was definitely an experience! And you should definitely try it!! Thank you!!

  3. I rarely leave my comfort zone so i respect you doing things like this. My doctor recently suggested I take a yoga class, however I don't know about the heat haha!!

    1. A regular yoga class, yes! Lava yoga for this first time just kind of stressed me out honestly. Lol, I was so sure I was either gonna throw up or pass out a few times!

  4. Hi Kylie! I found your post to be very interesting! I don't think I would ever do a workout, or even yoga, in a hot and humid room so kudos to you loll! I also find it funny as well to walk in a room and find everyone appearing to be asleep. Like, do I follow suit or not? I look forward to reading about the rest of your adventures!

    1. It was definitely a different experience! I thought for sure I would pass out a couple times, lol. and thank you!!

  5. This sounds like such an interesting experience! I like your voice, your writing it interesting and engaging. This was a super good topic for your blog, I enjoyed it!

    1. Aw thank you so much! I never like having people read what I write, so this was definitely something new in itself! Lol, but lava yoga was a ton of fun! You should definitely try it!


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