Stranger Things - An Adventure In Itself

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Does 'Stranger Things' Season 2 Live Up to the Hype? - The Ringer

This adventure may seem a bit lazy, and even I have to admit that it is. But hey, I was on fall break.
I have NEVER been a sci-fi person. However, I HAVE always been a hardcore binge-watcher, well at least since Netflix started streaming.
When I first heard of Stranger Things, I thought for sure that I wouldn't like it, so I decided to skip out on this trend, and finish One Tree Hill for the 10,000th time.
Once I found out that there was going to be a second season of Stranger Things, I thought "okay, this show has to be at least somewhat decent" so I got the urge to watch it. I watched a couple episodes and was a little bored so I went back to the show I had been watching previously.
Nonetheless, when season 2 of Stranger Things was nearing its arrival to Netflix, everyone got so excited! I could tell from mainly Twitter and Facebook, it seemed like nearly every other post was about the upcoming season.
Due to this excitement, I decided to try again to see if maybe this time I could get into it. I mean even some of my favorite shows are a little slow in the beginning and I am SO happy I did. I finished the first AND second season of Stranger Things in under five days. It is slightly embarrassing that I am proud of that, but at least it was fall break, so I had an excuse.
This show is amazing. There is something for everyone it seems like, action, comedy, romance, and of course a telekinetic girl.
I don't want to talk about too much from the show, just because I don't want to give out any spoilers, but I absolutely recommend watching this show, and watching it now! I honestly thought that it would not interest me whatsoever, but after the second try, I realized I was dead wrong!


  1. Stranger Things is my favorite show on Netflix! I have watched the first season multiple times and watched the entire second season the day it came out! I am so glad you decided to watch it and that you really liked it too. Definitely a worth while adventure that you made a great post about!

    1. It’s so good!! And I am glad I watched it too! I can’t wait for season 3!! :)

  2. Stranger Things is one of my most favorite shows on Netflix to watch and I just cant believe season three is coming out NEXT year! Glad you watched it!

    1. I know! I don’t want to wait a whole other year to watch season 3 but I’m sure it will definitely be worth it!! :)

  3. The hubby and I are currently watching one a night of Season 2 and I wish we could watch more (we're old so we go to bed early)! Love the story and the suspense!

    1. Yes, it can be so hard to only stop at one! But at least the show will last longer, I finished it in like 3 days! LOL

  4. Season 2 was great and so was this post.

  5. I've only seen the pilot for Stranger Things but my friends keep telling me to watch it, so I might have to start after reading your post!

    1. I absolutely recommend! It keeps your eyes practically glued to the screen until you finish it!


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