Early Mornings

Photo By: Kylie Coble

Being a college student, you tend to learn new things outside of the classroom. These things can include learning how to get ready in fifteen minutes to be to class on time, testing the amount of coffee one person can consume in one day, or just how much time you can cut off of getting ready so that you can sleep for five more minutes. I tend to see myself doing all three of these things quite often. So this week, I decided that I would wake up an hour earlier than what time I usually
wake up every day.

I was really excited to try this because I am almost always rushing around in the mornings. Having a 9 a.m. every day of the week made for an earlier morning than what I was used to, but instead of waking up at 8 a.m., I woke up at 7 a.m.

Monday was a bit more difficult than the rest of the days, of course. I did somehow manage to get out of bed though. It was nice to have a few minutes to just lay there and wake up slower than usual. I also found that I could make and drink two cups of coffee before class rather than one, so that part made me extremely happy!

Tuesday was honestly pretty awesome. Since I had an extra forty minutes than usual, I had time to study for a test that I had that day. Being able to do that made me feel a lot more confident when I went to take it.

Wednesday and Thursday were pretty much the same, I was happy to be able to actually make and eat breakfast, rather than grabbing a granola bar or pop-tart (breakfast of champions) on my way out the door.

Today is Thursday, so obviously I have not done this for tomorrow yet. However, I do plan to because  I have a quiz (in this class) that I will get extra time to study for! While doing this, I realized that I actually really like it. By waking up earlier, I get the chance to actually enjoy my mornings and take my time to get ready, and it was extremely nice. I honestly think that I will continue to do this, except on the occasional day or so. ;)


  1. As a busy college student, this post is so relatable! I find myself waking up for class later and later each day just testing to see how much sleep I can get before I am finally late! Ha! I have to have better time management and go to bed earlier so therefore I can wake up when my annoying alarm sounds! I am so excited to continue reading this blog!

    1. I know, the struggle is definitely real! Lol, and thank you! I'm so happy you like it!!

  2. Everyone wants to grow up and go to college. lol. I have my lazy moments every morning getting up for class. This would be a perfect blog for a high school junior or senior to read.

    1. I agree, everyone is so excited to go to college! Little do they know what college actually entails. lol

  3. Your Monday mornings sound so much like mine! I think it's really cool that you tried this. Occasionally I try to wake up 10 minutes early, but it rarely happens.


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