

This week's adventure includes mermaids and turkey legs! What more can you really ask for?

I decided to attend the Kansas City Renaissance Festival this past Sunday for the first time ever and I am SO glad that I did. I was a little skeptical at first because I wasn't sure what to expect, but it definitely surpassed my expectations.

The festival is an event that is held every year in Bonner Springs, next to the Cricket Wireless Amphitheater. Since it is held every year, they are able to make it look like a real-life scene from the Renaissance era. There were little old buildings and stands with crafts, clothes, jewelry, and naturally made cosmetics, all of which related back the the Renaissance era theme. My favorite stand had these  all-natural candles. While they smelled amazing, they also had another use, LOTION. It is an oil-based candle, so when it melts down you use a tiny amount and it worked SO well. I had been having a rash on my hand due to eczema, but about an hour after I used the candle lotion, my rash had stopped itching and the redness had gone down tremendously. I definitely recommend looking into this "miracle candle lotion" and trying it yourself. Miracle Candle Lotion!!

Not only did they have multiple different buildings and stands, but throughout the festival there were different craft shows and performances, and SO many people dressed to fit the occasion. My favorite setting would definitely have to be Mermaid Cove. For anyone who doesn't know, I am OBSESSED with mermaids and everything about them, so when I saw that there was a mermaid setting, I got a little too excited. Nevertheless, I got to meet a "real-life" mermaid, and that alone is enough to make this my favorite adventure by far!

If you're like me and have your doubts about the Renaissance Festival, drop them, and GO!! You will definitely not regret it!


  1. I have always thought it would be fun to go to RenFest! The fact that you liked it so much makes me really want to go now. I get cases of eczema all the time, so I will definitely try out one of those candles!

    1. Yes, you definitely should! It was so much fun and theres SO much to do!!

  2. So many of my friends went to RenFest, but I wasn't sure if I would like it. It is defiantly something I will have to try.

    1. You should go! I didn't think I would like it either, but it was different than what I thought!


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