Photo By: Kylie Coble

I have seen spaghetti squash all throughout Facebook and Pinterest, and for the longest time I have wanted to try it. So when I saw that they were on sale at Dillons for $.99, I decided that I would finally try for myself to see if I agreed with the craze spreading throughout social media. 

First you have to cut the spaghetti squash in half, which is EXTREMELY difficult in my opinion. After already cutting the squash, I found a video on Facebook showing how to make that process easier. However, that was after the fact so at least next time I will not break a sweat trying to cut open a squash. 

Secondly, I seasoned the squash with olive oil, salt and pepper. You want to use the minimum when getting ready to roast the squash, that way when you're ready to add toppings, you can add whatever you want!

I found online that you should put the squash in the oven for 50 minutes at 375 degrees. However, after 50 minutes, the texture was still a little hard, or maybe I was just not sure what the texture is supposed to be like. I roasted it for a few minutes more, and eventually I got scared that I was cooking it for too long. 

So I decided to take it out and use a fork to pull apart the squash, which was extremely easy. I'm not sure why, but for some reason I was worried I would mess this part up. Thankfully, I did not and by the time I was done pulling it apart there were so many 'squash spaghetti noodles' I was worried I wouldn't be able to finish my half. 

For my toppings, I decided to just use regular spaghetti sauce and parmesan cheese. It honestly tasted really good. You can still tell you are eating a vegetable rather than spaghetti noodles, but it's not a bad taste, and plus if you put enough spaghetti sauce and cheese, you can hardly taste the noodles. c

I did not take a picture of the final product, mostly because I was so excited to eat it that I completely forgot. However, it really doesn't look the best after you mix it up, but it tastes awesome! 

This meal in total was around $4.00, so definitely a score for healthy eating on a budget. Well, depending on the amount of sauce and cheese, it may not be super healthy, but definitely better than eating ramen noodles!!


  1. This meal was only $4.00?! That is so awesome, that is what you call ballin on a budget.

    1. Yes, and it was a lot healthier than most cheap meals!!

  2. This is great! I've always wanted to try Spaghetti Squash but I've never gotten around to it. :) I will definitely have to try it now!

  3. Wow Spaghetti Squash? Certainly caught my attention, it sounds good might have to try it.


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