
Americans' Cellphone Use is Nearly Constant

It is obviously very common knowledge that millennials are attached to their phones. Being a millennial, I too am extremely obsessed with my phone. I am constantly checking my social media, Email, and text messages. Honestly, I would really rather not know the actual time that I spend on my phone in a day, because I am absolutely sure I would be embarrassed.
For this reason, I decided to go a WHOLE day without my phone, and it was awful. While also being kind of rewarding.

I realized just how much I use my phone for. I use it for my clock, calendar, weather information, GPS, literally just about EVERYTHING.

So when I realized I couldn’t use my phone for an alarm, I decided to just wing it, I usually wake up 30 minutes before my alarm anyways so I wasn’t too worried. My plan luckily worked, and so my day was off to a good start.

Then as I was wanting to get ready in the morning, I wanted to check what the weather for today would be, and considering it is the month of October, I figured leggings and a t-shirt would work in my favor. They of course didn’t and by my 11 a.m. class I was sweating.

The worst part of the whole day was going to grab for my phone and realizing that I couldn’t use it, for anything. It was quite boring in certain moments.

Still, I was also able to pay attention in class much easier, as well as accomplish more throughout the day. I didn’t procrastinate any of my homework, and therefore at the end of the day, I felt pretty good.

After spending an entire day without my phone, I made two major realizations. 1.) I should really do this more often and 2.) I really never want to do this again.

This experiment was kind of a love-hate relationship, but I am grateful that I did it. I am also kind of proud that I was actually able to do it. I don’t think I will ever be able to give up my phone completely, but I think I will definitely be trying to cut back, or only try to use it when absolutely necessary.


  1. What a great idea, Kylie! I find myself glued to my phone as well. We set up a charging station at home as long as there's no pressing matters to attend to, we keep our phones on the charging station when we're home at night and always before we go to bed. It's been a great way for our family to reconnect as I'm sure this was a great way for you to reconnect with the world! Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Aw, I love that idea! Family time is always more important! and yes it was definitely refreshing, but also really hard! LOL


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