YAY!! For New Trails

I cannot stand rainy and cloudy days. They make me want to do nothing all day, and for some reason they just put me in a bad mood. Therefore, when I wake up and it’s a beautiful day with the sun shining, I try to be outside and find ways to STAY outside.

These are my favorite days. One of these days sprung up on me this Sunday and it was amazing, so I decided to try a new trail that I had heard about in north Topeka called the Iliff Commons. My boyfriend was the one who told me about the trail, so we went together, and it was so so SO much fun. As well as being completely free, which is always a plus when you are on a budget.

The trail goes through an 80-acre field, with a bunch of stops along the way. There are ponds, lots of pretty scenery, and this really cool treehouse with a ton of art by different people who have gone through the trail. This experience was a huge stress-reliever and an amazing time. I may have procrastinated some homework to do the trail, but it was definitely worth it! I recommend this trail to EVERYONE.


  1. I applaud your efforts to experience nature and live life to the fullest. I plan on distressing and stepping into the nature world once basketball season is over.

    1. Thank you! and you absolutely should, it is definitely refreshing!

  2. This is great! I'm from the North Topeka area and my parents still live there, yet I have somehow never heard of this trail! Will definitely have to check it out!


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