Cryotherapy-is it worth freezing?

Video by: ABC News

This week I decided to give an idea, rather than try it. I have heard of Cryotherapy and it's multiple benefits, however I do not think I would like to be frozen. Yet, there are some people who may seriously benefit from it, including student athletes. Enjoy!!


  1. Interesting post! Ive heard of Cryotherapy before and know it has benefits, but i don't think id put myself through this.

  2. This is a great idea for a post! I don't blame you for not trying it, though. I hate being cold so much, I don't think I could ever do this!

    1. I HATE the cold, fall and spring are my kind of seasons. I don't blame you!

  3. I've thought about doing this, but was kind of nervous about it! I have heard great things about it though.

  4. If you think you could benefit from it, you definitely should! Of course, it is definitely kind of scary so I would definitely understand not trying it! LOL

  5. hahaha..."I do not think I would like to be frozen." Dying!
    This was super interesting!!

  6. It says on this site a first-time client can try this for $20. This sounds completely crazy to me. I hate being cold, but I think I could last 3 minutes.


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